
GHI Ambassadors Programme: Empowering Change

The GHI Ambassadors Programme empowers selected members to serve as front‐line representatives for GHI. Ambassadors invite scientists in their regions or countries to enroll as GHI members, foster new opportunities for information-sharing, and identify specialists to comment on consensus documents and scienced-based communications produced by the association.

To view a list of current GHI Ambassadors by country, please click here.

Become a GHI Ambassador

GHI seeks scientists willing to promote the goals of the association in their countries or regions. Interested applicants must possess:

  • A willingness to subscribe to the goals and philosophy of GHI
  • Scientific skills and experience that allow sound scientific assessments
  • Good communication skills, both verbal and written, in the local language and in English
  • Interest in food regulations, risk/benefit analysis and the scientific process and in disseminating this information
  • Willingness to identify specialists and scientific forums, communicate with food safety regulators and discuss issues in the local language

If you are interested in serving as a GHI Ambassador, please follow these steps:

  1. Become a member. Only registered members of GHI are eligible to become Ambassadors. If you are not yet enrolled, please visit the Become A Member page and complete the Individual Membership Enrollment form before proceeding to Step 2. There is no fee to join GHI.
  2. Contact GHI via email at, indicating your qualifications and the country/region in which you wish to serve as an Ambassador. Several Ambassadors may be selected to serve in the same country or region to form a GHI Ambassador Team.
  3. Please include your CV together with a signed statement of activities stating how you propose to work towards achieving the organization's goals. You may want to read the Ambassador Programme Guidelines, which contain explicit actions to be performed by Ambassadors.

The GHI Board will review all applications. Appointed Ambassadors will be notified via email of their election to the honorary position, and upon acceptance, will be sent a certificate, information regarding upcoming meetings, and other resources as described in Ambassador Programme Guidelines.


 About GHI Ambassador Programme
 GHI Ambassador Guidelines


Please contact Alina-Ioana Gostin, GHI Ambassador Programme Director

Meet Up with Us!

You’re invited to join the conversation at GHI General Meetings, held in conjunction with international scientific conferences. Check out our Calendar for times and locations.

Your Donation at Work

Your donation will help fund GHI Working Group meetings, programs and operating costs. A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated!
Please donate today!